Guide to helping in Loudoun County

Want to help people locally but don't know where to start? Whether you want to learn more, get your hands dirty or donate to a worthy cause that will help Loudouners, this guide has something for you!

Have updates? Email our Communications Committee.

Note: The links provided on this page are for informational purposes only. Inclusion of any organization, resource, or website does not imply endorsement or affiliation by the Loudoun County Democratic Committee. This guide is intended to serve as a helpful reference, and many of the listed groups are nonpartisan. We encourage individuals to research and engage with organizations that align with their interests and values.

  • The VACIR - Virginia Coalition for Immigrant Rights is a multi-racial and multi-ethnic coalition of organizations that exists to win dignity, power and quality of life for all immigrant and refugee communities. They have resources and free clinics available. Donations go to power their organization.

    A new Loudoun chapter of LULAC - League of United Latin American Citizens - is currently being stood up. They advocate for and tackle issues such as immigration, environmental concerns, Medicare, civil rights etc...

    Reach out to  for contact information.

    Did you know: every undocumented immigrant family needs to have a backup friend or family member who can take care of the kids when their parents alone are deported?

    For those impacted by ICE raids a pro-bono list of immigration lawyers provided by the DOJ is available from Representative Suhas Subramanyam’s Leesburg district office. Additionally, the Congressional office can help track individual ICE cases.

    Follow local award winning immigration lawyer Hassan Ahmad on Facebook as he provides practical advice for immigrants.

    ACLU-VA has a very specific and comprehensive page devoted to exactly what an immigrant should - and should not - do when facing ICE whether at home, at work, in the car or anywhere else.

    Did you know that there are two types of warrants and only one legally enables ICE agents to demand entry into private spaces (such as your home or a back room of an office)? A valid judicial warrant legally authorizes entry into private spaces. This is not the same as an administrative warrant. A judicial warrant is: issued by a U.S. District or state court (stated in clear letterhead at the top of a warrant), specifies the exact areas to be searched, particular people or items to be seized, and is signed by a judge. Administrative warrants do not contain these details. Learn how to tell the difference below. 

    Learn how to tell the difference between judicial vs. administrative warrants.

  • Lambda Legal offers resources and support for LGBTQ+ and HIV+ individuals including:

    • Post election questions about marriage and family relationships

    • Identity documents checklist

    • Legal fund to protect civil rights

    • Virtual Help Desk

    He She Ze and We offers education, training, advocacy and allyship in Virginia for the families of LGBTQ+ individuals and youths. They have hands on volunteer opportunities, fun events and accept donations.

    Equality Loudoun focuses on inclusion, equality and respect for LGBTQ+ rights and education in the Loudoun community. They have volunteer and training opportunities for allies here in Loudoun.

    Equality Virginia focuses on issues at the state level.

  • The ACLU has an extensive list of rights by topic: abortion, students, stopped by police, voting, dreamers, prisoners etc... This "know your rights" page should be book marked by everyone!

    The New Virginia Majority has a focus on criminal, economic and environmental justice, education and expanding democracy. Their ten year vision aims to improve democracy, justice and progress. The Loudoun and Western Fairfax chapters are especially focused on housing justice and immigrant rights. Sign up to learn more about New Virginia Majority volunteer opportunities

    The Loudoun branch of the NAACP advocates locally to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination. They have monthly meetings and a resource guide for those wanting to be a better ally.

    Common Cause Virginia has a strong focus on voter rights, civic education and was recently in the news for having the Washington Post censor their anti-Musk ad. They have ongoing phone banking against the SAVE act, which disenfranchises many voters.

    Run for Something recruits and supports young first-time candidates running for local office with the goal of building progressive infrastructure at the state and local level and winning sustainable power. They are looking for both volunteers and mentors.

    League of Women Voters (Loudoun) is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging the informed and active participation of citizens in government. They do not support or oppose any political party or candidate but do educate and advocate for policies in the public interest.

    Movement Voter Project invests in year-round organizing and movement building to shift culture, win elections, and transform policy. They help Democratic and progressive donors channel funds to the best and most promising organizations building the power to transform communities, states, and the country over the long term. They are strategically targeting various elements of the Trump agenda to block.

    The Progressive Caucus Center's newsletter "Unrig the Rules" provides updates, education and analysis on what’s happening on Capitol Hill with highly detailed focus across a variety of topics (eradicating poverty, civil rights, foreign policy etc...). Their Explainers (under Our Work) can help you understand policy issues and their fallout if they are changed by the Trump administration. You can also register for their "Big Idea Briefings".

    Center for American Progress is an independent, nonpartisan policy institute that is dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans through bold, progressive ideas, as well as strong leadership and concerted action. They are currently collecting stories of people impacted by cuts to Medicaid, SNAP, or decisions from Trump/Elon Musk.

  • Moms Demand Action  - Loudoun is a grassroots movement fighting for public safety measures that can protect people from gun violence. They work to pass stronger gun laws and close the loopholes that jeopardize the safety of families.

  • The Loudoun County Democratic Committee (LCDC) has a lot of (very fun) committees which advocate, educate and raise money to keep Loudoun blue! It's easy to find a committee who meets your skills and goals:

    • Communications - good writers always wanted

    • Voter Protection - protect the votes

    • Finance and Fundraising - help us raise money to keep Loudoun Blue

    • Membership - be the first to recruit and welcome new members

    • Precinct Ops - help run free and fair elections

    • Activities - create the events our members love

    • Candidate recruitment and support - support our electeds and candidates

    • Diversity and inclusion outreach - help diversify LCDC and advocate for their rights

    • Governance - helps LCDC maintain compliance with our rules to ensure equality

    • Grassroots engagement - expand LCDC values with allies

    • Issues - enable action on critical concerns

    • Labor - supports organized labor

    Keep an eye on the LCDC Calendar to stay up to date with all our events!

    We also post events to Mobilize.

    Did you know that the state party of Virginia (the DPVA - the Democratic Party of Virginia) organizes and coordinates Democrats across the state, ensuring that each county has the resources needed to win at the local, state and Federal level? They handle some of the biggest elections we face - like races for Governor - and helps ensure that our Democratic values are upheld in the statehouse and beyond. Check out DPVA news to see the Dem response to the Trump administration, learn about the latest twists and turns in the governors race and see our Dem progress on state wide legislation. 

  • Loudoun Literacy Council’s mission is to teach English communication skills and provide literacy resources to empower adults and children. They have programs for adults and families and seek volunteers to help teach critical skills.

    Loudoun Hunger Relief is an emergency grocery pantry, serving those in need with grocery supplies to feed their families. Volunteer to run food drives, help at the pantry or donate money. 

    Loudoun Cares connects volunteers seeking to give back as well those needing assistance across a variety of areas (rental assistance, food, medicine etc...). They can help you find a Loudoun volunteer opportunity.

    The Loudoun County Government has many advisory boards, commissions, and committees which provide opportunities for direct involvement in local government by residents of Loudoun County. Opportunities to get involved cover a wide range of topics and interests - art, housing, family services, NOVA Community College and much, much more. Look for a vacancy in an area that interests you and follow the instructions to apply.

    LAWS Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Services provides free, confidential services to all adults, youth and children who are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, and child abuse. They run a free 24x7 help line as well as the "Resourceful Woman Thrift Store."

  • Lasagna Love spreads kindness and community by having volunteers bake a lasagna for those in need of kindness! You can sign up to give (or receive) a lasagna on their website!

  • The Piedmont Environmental Council focuses on sustainability and restoring lands and waters. Their Action Center lists campaigns of interest including making Oak Hill our newest state park and data center industry reform.

    The Loudoun Climate Project supports a scientifically informed understanding of climate change and how that influences personal choices and public policy. They promote the development of a resilient local economy based on environmental stewardship, energy conservation, and the transition to renewable energy.

  • Loudoun4All is an advocacy organization (527 PAC) here in Loudoun that supports policies and candidates that champion equity for all in our community. They provide a newsletter and advocacy fact sheet.

    Network NOVA is a grassroots organizing hub in Northern Virginia, which works to inspire, inform and empower each other for powerful year-round political action. They host a weekly “Power Lunch” video podcast as well as a Women’s Summit each summer.

  • The Loudoun Freedom Center identifies and memorializes historic African American heritage sites, sacred burial grounds and communities throughout Loudoun County. As well they provide STEAM education programs, Historic Preservation camps, after school programs, workshops and seminars for adults and school age students.

    Morven Park is a nonprofit organization committed to serving the people of Loudoun County and the surrounding region. The 246 Years Project will assemble fragmentary biographical data and organize it within a custom-built, on-line database, reassembling the pieces to reveal the life events of individual men, women, and children who were enslaved. They are seeking volunteers to help with this important effort.

  • Goods Unite Us enables consumers to purchase ethically. Their website enables searching for a company or brand to see what percentage the company, its affiliates and its senior management and executives collectively donate to Republicans and Democrats, what percentage comes from the company itself versus its employees, and the top five politicians donated to.

  • The Virginia Mercury is an excellent free resource to keep up with Virginia news with a focus on topics such as criminal justice, the environment, politics, education and health. Sign up for their daily newsletter for quick hits to stay in the know and donate to help keep a great resource available for all. is a nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics. They monitor and evaluate the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases. They are a great resource when you are wondering about the factual accuracy of what you heard in the news.

    Concerned about media bias? Check out this Media Bias Chart which may be useful as you seek out news resources.

  • Use your voice! Contact our Congressman and Senators to let them know what you think of current events.

    Did you know: Federal electeds keep careful count of the number and types of issues for which constituent speak out, and we can make a difference just by having our voices heard.

    If you are interested in keeping up with what our Electeds are doing to fight the Trump administration they regularly post updates on their official websites:

    Senator Warner has been fighting hard for Virginians. For updates on his activities, see here.

    Senator Kaine is a formidable protector of Virginia. You can see his recent activity, including Facebook and Instagram updates, here.

    Congressman Subramanyan continues his fight to safeguard Loudoun and its most vulnerable citizens. Learn about his work here.

    Please note: if you are an impacted Federal worker you may be interested in the online resource pages created by our Federal electeds. These pages contain information and support.

  • 50501 Movement (fiftyfiftyone) organizes nationwide protests across the United States as a rapid response to the anti-democratic and illegal actions of the Trump administration and its plutocratic allies.

    The 5Calls website and app is an invaluable tool for efficiently contacting our elected officials about the issues that matter to us. Choose from a list of issues and 5Calls will provide background information as well as a script to use when making calls. Phone numbers are included as well, making it very easy to speak up for your values.

    Choose Democracy includes resources such as Boycott Hub and ResistList. These resources include stories and databases of non-cooperation events and a litigation tracker.

    Jessica Craven's Chop Wood, Carry Water Substack provides a free weekday newsletter with easy to follow scripts and ideas for saving democracy and pushing our progressive agenda. While there is a Chop Wood, Carry Virginia edition, the "everywhere" edition has ideas for locations needing Dem support throughout the US.

    Use Demcast to become an activist leader on social media, helping to get the word out on the critical issues for Virginia and nationally. Demcast provides training to engage on social media and provides engaging, relevant content on many issues to help you present Dem issues in the best light. Check out their Medicaid section, for a great example of their content.

    Red, Wine and Blue is a national organization aimed at suburban women working together to defeat extremism. They train and connect women from across the country of all political backgrounds – including many who have never been political before.  They have "Troublemaker Training" and other events available to all.